
Click on the image to be directed to the respective project.


A-Level H3 Mathematics Solutions (Sept 2021 - Oct 2021)

Compiled H3 Mathematics solutions for the Specimen Paper, as well as the 2017-2020 A-Level Examination papers. A collaboration with Joseph Teoh and Man Keat.

Hello Nanyang | NYJC Flowmotion (Jan 2021 - May 2021)

5 months of concise planning, shooting, and post-production and some collaboration with my friends from different classes and students from Student Interest Groups (SIGs) like BioNat and Magic Society. I envisioned this video to help promote NYJC to other schools and to the global photography and videography community as this video depicts a day in the life of a student in our college.

What viewers observe in the video are actually individual photos subsequently stitched together in post-production. The entire video encapsulates the ideas of time-lapse photography and Flowmotion, and some of my sources of inspiration are from time-lapse photographers Dimid Vazhnik, Kirill Neiezhmakov, and Keith Loutit and renowned flowmotion photographer Rob Whitworth.

Mathematics in Movie Graphics (Apr 2021)

Had a presentation on the incorporation of Mathematics in movie graphics as part of the activities organised by the Mathematics Club in April 2021. Gave a brief summary of some fundamentals of coordinate geometry and Linear Algebra before delving into the technical aspects of subdivisions surfaces (featuring the Catmull-Clark Algorithm too) and generating artificial sceneries using fractals.
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